I can develop a site on a given subject using the Wordpress CMS, a chosen Wordpress theme and the content provided by the client. The process is as follows:
1. The buyer will provided a detailed requirements list regarding what type of site he needs, what should the site contain, what features he wants, etc.
2. Based on this information I will determine the best solution for the site. I will search for the best theme accordingly to the buyer requirements. I will search for the best plugins to use for implementing certain features.
3. I will install the theme and the plugins and configure each one of them.
4. I will take the buyer provided content and insert it into the site.
5. I will provide support or documentation for using the newly created site, updating content, etc.

On each phase of the project I will ask for the buyer confirmation regarding the progress before moving forward. I will also provide support in purchasing a domain name and hosting for the website.